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Our community action project gallery

Trash art in local Marine debris exhibition

Beach cleanup

On this field trip, members of the 2014~2015 Trek Collaboration from NanGang elementary school participated in the Kuroshiro Ocean Education Foundationaround Hualien. The foundation gathers people to participate in an ocean cleanup program every year. The first activity was to clean up the trash and litter near the shore. Even though we were hours late, we still managed to contribute in the first activity. The second activity was one of the most exciting, since we got to go whale-watching and trash-fishing. The waves were higher than the boat and all the people on the front deck were drenched from head to toe when wave after wave came crashing down, while the waves lifted up and dropped us down aggressively, demonstrating the power and wonderfulness of the ocean's natrual thrill ride. After that, we cleaned up the dock we departed from. It was devastating to see styrofoam everywhere and a few dead rats floating at the surface. When we were done, a Hakka cultural TV show interviewed us about what we think of the important resource that is required to sustain life on Earth - the Ocean.

We're on TV!!(Please watch the last 10 mins of the video Above!)

All Global scholars charity sale profit (10,000NT dollars =310 US dollars) goes to the local and international environmental protection organizations

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